We are living in a world filled with words that divide; some are blatantly inflammatory, while others are far more subtle. What gives hope living amidst wars, disasters, and violence are the people who use words to remind us of our shared humanity. Restorative practitioners choose words that seek nuance, facilitate empathy, articulate common ground, and prompt creative solutions.  

Beyond just telling these stories, the IIRP is committed to equipping even more people with the skills, competencies, and courage to bridge what divides us in a nonviolent and sustainable way. Words matter, and combined with effectively directed action, they create change. The world needs talented and committed restorative practitioners who create and live out narratives of dignity, connection, and possibility. 

To that end, the IIRP is committing to increasing the number of Impact Scholarships over the next five years. Beginning this year, we will be awarding up to five additional full-tuition scholarships per year for a total of twenty-five by 2027. Recipients will be qualified students engaging in impactful restorative work across the globe who are not able to afford a graduate education. 

You do not need to be accepted into our Master of Science program to apply for the Impact Scholarship, but the scholarship is only applicable to students seeking a Master of Science in Restorative Practices or Master of Science in Restorative Practices plus Thesis Option. An essay is required to complete the application. Up to six Impact Scholarship will be awarded in mid-August.

Begin your application here. Applications open July 1. The deadline to submit your application is August 1.

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Restorative Works Year in Review 2023 (PDF)

All our donors are acknowledged annually in Restorative Works.